
Urologic oncology (or Uro Oncology) concerns the surgical treatment of malignant genitourinary diseases such as cancer of the prostate, adrenal glands, bladder, kidneys, ureters, testicles, and penis, as well as the skin and subcutaneous tissue and muscle and fascia of those areas (that particular subspecialty overlaps with dermatological oncology and related areas of oncology). The treatment of genitourinary cancer is managed by either a urologist or an oncologist, depending on the treatment type (surgical or medical). Most urologic oncologists in Western countries use minimally invasive techniques (laparoscopy or endourology, robotic-assisted surgery) to manage urologic cancers amenable to surgical management.


At American Oncology Institute (AOI), one of the top urological oncology hospitals in India, we offer a standard and multi-disciplinary approach when treating urologic cancers, with our high-end technology and commitment to provide the best urinary or urologic cancer treatment including robotic surgeries for urological cancers in Hyderabad. Our team of medical experts including one among the best urologic oncologists assess the patient’s condition and develop a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan depending on the type, stage and location of the cancer and the patient’s overall health. Usually, the low-grade tumors are better manageable and treatable compared to the advanced and high-grade cancers which may also spread more easily.

There are no exact causes known but avoidance of few common risk factors is considered to have preventive action against bladder cancer. Smoking is the commonest risk factor associated with bladder cancers’ occurrence. Other factors include age>40 years, male gender, bacterial infections and occupational exposure to chemicals.

Blood in the urine (haematuria), pain and/or burning sensation during urination, lower back pain, urge to urinate frequently, especially during night.